Shipping Costs
Your shipping cost depends on how much your package weighs and where it's going to.

Shipping Dispatch

Please allow 2-5 days after ordering for your package to be shipped out. All orders come with a tracking number after dispatch.

Pre-orders take 3-4 weeks for shipping.

Delivery Time
Refer to your shipping option for estimated delivery times. Please note, estimated times may not always be accurate (possible weather conditions, etc.).

Taxes & Duties


United States
Orders entering the U.S. with a retail value of less than $800 USD, are exempt from taxes and duties.

All international orders are subject to and may incur duties, fees and import taxes upon delivery. This charge is determined by your local customs authority and payment of these fees is obligatory if you wish to obtain your shipment. For further information, please consult your local customs office.

Shipping Availability

USA, Canada, Australia, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Switerzerland, UK

For help, email